E-mail Etiquette and You

E-mail Etiquette and You

As the new generation teachers, e-mails are one of the most important and involving aspect of our lives.  More so than our predecessors, we now have to answer tons of e-mails from administrators, colleagues, students, and, of course, parents.  While it’s easy to answer e-mails that are written for the purpose of socializing or asking simple questions, there are chances where you’d encounter e-mails from students or parents that you just want to scream out loud in frustration.

While never thought about it myself, perhaps thanks to my training at the non-education field previously, I’ve always treated my e-mails carefully as I know they are written records that will never be deleted.  However, it’s astonishing how many people tend to forget that fact, and I think as a teacher, you should practice as well as preach the fact that, people should continue to practice formal etiquette when writing an e-mail.

When I received my employee handbook at Archer, I was quite surprised to see a section of e-mail etiquette included in the handbook, of which one sentence stood out to me.  I’m going to paraphrase it….

When you write e-mail using the company’s e-mail address, you are essentially writing as if you are writing on the company’s letter head.  So please conduct yourself accordingly, because you are representing the company.

I’ve read many e-mails, including some are from fellow teachers.  I’m quite surprised when teachers would write e-mails, using the school’s e-mail address, and say things that you wouldn’t put on a actual letter head.  Or, as Common Craft show says, “things you wouldn’t want your grandfather to read.”

Keep in mind that your e-mails represent you, your school, and ultimately, your district.  You know, people can even be sued over e-mails!  So before you typed up that brilliantly e-mail that’s suppose to curse someone out, think again.  Perhaps the delete button may be a better way to go.


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