2.2 Reflection Methodologies of the Online Instructor
1. Reflecting on the information covered in this module so far, how might your instructional methodologies need to change in an online or blended learning environment?
While I am very comfortable with integrating technology and creating collaborative projects for students in a traditional classroom, I think I need to explore different methodologies in delivery information that may be more suitable for direct teaching, even if it is a multimedia material. I think sometimes because of the computer screen, information that is too text-heavy becomes difficult to read and absorb, and multimedia material may be too long or not engaging enough. Therefore, there should be different methods using screen cast software (such as Adobe Captivate) to create more engaging material, or using different teaching methodologies (such as web quest or flip teaching) for text-based material.
2. What skills and strategies might you improve or expand upon in order to best support student learning in a blended or online environment?
I need to become more familiar with the concept and practice of flip teaching, and understand how to create meaningful online activities that can best support students’ learning. In addition, I need to know how to use Captivate well so I can create interactive multimedia material that can be engaging and with constant checks for understanding. Lastly, I think I need to become familiar with video-making technologies, such as movie editing and green screen, so I can create instructional videos if I cannot find one that’s suitable for my content.